
DPS Miyapur

Delhi Public School, Miyapur - a co-educational school - was founded in 2015 under the Vidyananda Educational Society (VES). This is the third school set up by VES

Delhi Public School , Miyapur is committed to imparting high quality holistic education by giving students the opportunities to develop their creative and social skills through a wide variety of programmes in a caring, innovative and healthy environment.

At Delhi Public School, we hope to invoke in students a love of learning through the development of the intellectual, emotional, social, physical and creative potentials.

Our schools were built on the belief that the primary role of educational institutions is to build character, integrity and values in every child.


Vidyananda Educational Society is a non-profit body consistently working towards premier educational institutions, to promote, establish, run, develop and manage institutions beneficial to the community without any discrimination of caste, colour and creed.

The society's Endeavor has always been to position schools as front line leaders in providing new focus and direction in building new paradigm in quality and futuristic education; preparing students for life beyond school.

To pursue this objective, Vidyananda Educational Society has collaborated with Delhi Public School Society, Delhi and established three schools i.e DPS Hyderabad in 2002, DPS Secunderabad(Diamond Point) in 2003 and DPS Miyapur in 2015.


DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL SOCIETY has been one of the pioneering names in the education circuit in India since 1949.The DPS family is reckoned as a stalwart in education with over 200 schools in India and abroad. With an aim to establish a smarter, independent and forward thinking community of educated Indians, the society embarked on establishing many premier schools across the country.

Delhi Public School-Hyderabad,Secunderabad and Miyapur are a part of the DPS society. These were built on the belief that the primary role of educational institutions is to build character, integrity and values in every child.


Chairman’s Message

A child’s mind is like a fertile soil – rich, vibrant with life and eager to absorb every experience that comes within his or her universe. At DPS, it is our endeavour to create a nation of talented, bright and creative future generations who will contribute positively to enrich the world. We are committed to offer the best education to each and every student from diverse backgrounds. DPS hones leadership qualities in every child and at the same time makes them aware of their role as socially – conscious citizens of the future.

B.K. Chaturvedi
~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

Message from Pro-Vice Chairman

Dear All,

Education isn't just about learning, reading, writing, and arithmetic at school. Instead, formal education is about gaining the knowledge and the skills needed to become a better person, and better citizen to create a better society to live in. Education also taps latent abilities and opens up an altogether different world as it has enormous transformative power.

One of the many benefits of education is that it can broaden a students’ horizon, helping them understand more about both our culture and cultures of the world.

At DPS MIYAPUR we empower our learners to become empathetic individuals, build self-confidence, learn more about their strengths and address their weaknesses and become a better version of themselves. In the verdant settings amidst the natural elements our students experience a calmer, socially safe, and fun learning environment.

I strongly believe that being in nature helps develop curiosity and creativity, both important in nurturing a life-long love of learning. It builds confidence, resilience, and improves mental, emotional, social, and physical health. It does not stop here; emphasis is laid on taking care of the environment through various sustainable practices.

With New Education Policy, a lot of new developments are in the fray for the teaching profession, teacher education requires constant adjustments. Continuous professional development for teachers is the key so that Education becomes relevant for our children.

I applaud Team DPS Miyapur for working relentlessly to achieve these goals.

May the staff and students continue to scale great heights.

"Sarve jana sukhino bhavantu".

Best regards,
Mr. Gorantla Ramesh
Pro-Vice Chairman, DPS Miyapur


From the Director's Desk

Dear All,

The Greek philosopher Aristotle suggested that one must try to live a 'good' life by living and acting thoughtfully. He identified a series of virtues that he thought were important including courage, self control, generosity, friendliness, tact, truthfulness, good temper, fairness and above all compassion and gratitude. All these virtues form the foundation of a life well lived and enable us to live our lives in the right way.

After quoting this, I would like to assure you that in our institution all these qualities are imbibed in our students under the able guidance of the Principal and eminent faculty members, who act as mentors in turning these into reality.

Students are trained in 'getting up their wake-up call' and are taught in choosing to answer the call rather than ignoring it. They are taught to face the challenges and moving on in life happily. They step out of the portals of the institution as confident young individuals, ready to take on the world.

Have a fruitful and enjoyable well-planned year ahead. 

With warm regards,

Mrs. Rekha Aggarwala

Director - Academics

Delhi Public School

Hyderabad | Secunderabad | Miyapur


Dear Parent,


Albert Einstein once rightly said that “The world we have created is a product of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” Yes, The New Educational Policy has worked towards changing our thinking. The vision laid in the New Education Policy is turning the system into a high-spirited and energetic one. There must be an effort in making the learner responsive and skilled.

Education should be empowering and redefining. Hence, the contemporary context of literacy goes way beyond and it stretches into creating critical thinkers, problem solvers, productive workers, and lifelong learners. Education also is a tool that alone can inculcate national and cultural values and liberate people of false prejudice, ignorance, and representations.

At DPS, we consciously work towards providing them with a conducive environment to develop the required knowledge, technique, skill, and information and enable them to know their rights and duties towards their family, their society, and their motherland at large. We have been working consistently towards achieving our goals by bringing in systemic changes and continuous professional development of teachers.

Having said, that the role of parents too is quintessential. Providing a happy and positive growing environment has proven to be extremely beneficial in bettering the child's mindset and cognitive mind. Be a role model, foster reading habits, extend their classroom learning into your daily experiences, correct your child's behaviour through constructive feedback, and above all give them the freedom of choice and voice.

Let us together help our children go confidently in the direction of their dreams. Live the life they have imagined.

Best wishes,

Gowri Sarkar


DPS Miyapur